Making this post has been quite the lesson in gratitude for me. Looking back over my first year as a photographer and all the clients,
creatives, friends, family and supporters who have believed in me is overwhelming. To each of you I offer my sincerest thanks.
I especially want to thank those of you who trust me with capturing your most intimate, important and beautiful moments.
I feel a close bond with each one of you as I’ve felt your intense happiness, excitement, and at times, pain. Thank you for making
me feel like family and teaching me by your goodness & passion. Â I look forward to another year of people to meet and stories to capture.
I posted from three categories of photography that most speak to my heart, and what I’m pursuing this coming year: Weddings, Couples & The female portrait.
Wedding & Bridals:
Beautiful Couples
Something close to my heart: The female portrait
Getting married in 2015 or looking for brand photos, a love shoot or just to capture yourself where you’re at now?
Email me at and we can start planning <3